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Top-10 Reasons to Retire Early

and Other Important Retirement Wisdom That You Won't Get from Your Financial Advisor

(From the World's Best Retirement Book)

Early Retirement Image

Top-Ten Reasons to Retire Early

How did the concept of pensions to help people retire earlier than they have to get started? Initially, this was a government concept, but only for employees who could no longer work, and not for employees who wanted to retire early because they wanted to enjoy leisure activities to the fullest while they were still mentally and physically able. 

Indeed, there was no such thing as my retirement plan, how much do I need to retire or simple retirement calculators.

The concept of pensions started with the Roman Empire and continued through the Civil War. The idea at that time, however, was that pensions were only extended to soldiers who became disabled on the battlefield, for people who were forced to retire early, in other words, because they could not work.

The first non-government pension plan to allow employees to retire with dignity was created in 1875 by the American Express Co. It was felt and piano manufacturer Alfred Dolge, however, who conceived of the modern company pension plan to allow employees to retire with an income when they were unable to work anymore.

Dolge established a retirement plan designed to pay anywhere from 50 to 100 percent of wages to long-term employees who could no longer work due to disability, which often was a result of being older. His company withheld one percent of each employee's salary, placed it in the retirement fund, and added six percent interest each year.

Eventually the concept of retirement shifted so that it included those people who were able to work but no longer wanted to because they had enough in company pensions and personal savings to enjoy the good life. Governments established the principle of people officially retiring at 65.

Webster’s Dictionary defines retirement as “withdrawal from active engagement in one’s occupation or profession.” In fact, retirement is much more. Retirement is a new stage in life and not an event. That is many employees want to retire earlier than 65.

There are many advantages to retire early as described in the books How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, The Joy of Not Working, and The Joy of Being Retired: 365 Reasons Why Retirement Rocks and Work Sucks!.

Retire Happy Book

For example, if you retired in your twenties or thirties after earning a fortune, you get to agree with the words of Robert Benchley, “The thing to do is to make so much money that you don’t have to work after the age of twenty-seven. In case this is impractical, stop working at the earliest moment, even if it is a quarter past eleven in the morning of the day when you find you have enough money.”

NOTE: See two Top-10 lists of retirement quotations on The Retirement Quotes Cafe Website:

Here are two more quotes about why retirement should be celebrated:

If I'd known that retirement was going to be this good I'd have done it the day after I left school !!!
— Mickey White (who lives in the United Kingdom and wrote to Ernie Zelinski about his retirement book.)

Early retirement is the time to pursue the dream and passion you've left in the corner while you survived the kids, marriage/divorce or going through the motions of gaining material things.
— Mona Gallagher

The following two Top-Ten lists with reasons for taking early retirement are adapted from the two books mentioned above as well my one of my other retirement books called 1001 Ways to Enjoy Your Retirement that was published in French, Spanish, and Korean — but never in English.

 #1 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

Early retirement allows you to get your priorities straight. No one on his or her death bed ever said, "I wish I would have spend more time in the office."

#2 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

A Samaritans survey found that the link between work and suicide is likely underestimated. In fact, in Japan, around 5 percent of all suicides are "company related" and suicide is an official, compensated work-related condition. Early retirement just may prevent you from committing suicide.

#3 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

Life seems to go by so quickly. We are so busy watching out for what's ahead of us that we don't have time to enjoy where we are. Life becomes a blur. Often it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. That or early retirement.

#4 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

Instead of having to deal with the tyranny of corporate bosses, you can be the master of your own destiny.

#5 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

You can lean back with a copy of How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free and care not what happens. Retirement is the beginning of life — not the end.

Retirement Plan Book Image

#6 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

Ever have this thought? "What if there is no afterlife and this
is all we get?" If that's the case, you may be sitting in the office as those extremely precious moments of an all-too-short life disappear forever, leaving you with no time to enjoy life the way it was supposed to be lived. Superman won't rescue you but retirement will.

#7 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

If you retired in your twenties of thirties, you will be happy to
hear the words of Robert Benchley, "The thing to do is to make so much money that you don’t have to work after the age of twenty-seven. In case this is impractical, stop working at the earliest moment, even if it is a quarter past eleven in the morning of the day when you find you have enough money."

#8 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

Howard Salzman pointed out, "Retirement is not a time to sleep, but a time to awaken to the beauty of the world around you and the joy that comes when you cast out all the negative elements that cause confusion and turmoil in your mind and allow serenity to prevail."

#9 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

You don't have to wind up like so many people who retire too late — they have given so much of themselves to their companies that they don't have anything left in the tank for their retirement.

#10 of Top-10 Reasons to Take Early Retirement

Above all, it is a mistake to retire too late in life because you
don’t get another chance to do it right!


Plan Now for an Unexpected

Early Retirement

Whether you want to retire early or not, your retirement planning should allow for an unexpected early retirement. Why? Many people plan to work until they are 65 or 70 but they are forced into early retirement many years earlier.

No doubt you will think, "Oh, this won't happen to me." That is dumb thinking. Fact is, that was exactly what the people were thinking at one time to whom involuntary early retirement happened.

Early Retirement for Woman Image

Just how big is the involuntary early retirement problem? Here are some of the retirement statistics from the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2009 Retirement Confidence Survey:

  • Forty-seven percent of retirees left the work force earlier than planned.
  • Of that total, 42 percent did so because of health problems or disability, 34 percent left due to their employers’ downsizing or closure and their not being able to find another job in retirement, and 18 percent left to care for a spouse or another family member.

In short, even if you think that you are going to work until 65 or 70, you may be forced to quit at 63 or 60 — or even much younger.

Retire Happy Book

#1 Resource to Help You Retire Happy!

This is the only book that supports

early retirement and gives

the secrets to a happy early retirement!  


More Retirement Wisdom That

You Won't Get from Your Financial Advisor

(And the Top-10 Reasons to Retire Even

If You Don't Take Early Retirement)

Top-10 Reasons to Retire Early Image #1

Below are the links to the various articles on retirement advice that you won't get from your financial advisor. You will also find the Top-10 Reasons to Retire Early.

Yes, I am thoroughly enjoying retirement! The best part is observing my neighbors drive off to work in the morning knowing that their day will be filled with jerks, brainless and endless meetings, jerks, vendor lunches where you hold your breath just waiting for the sales pitch
until you regurgitate your pasta, more jerks and the eventual company reorganization of the section that was just reorganized last month!
— Bill Kalmar

  • My Retirement Plan
    My Retirement Plan for Retiring Happy, Wild, and Free by Ernie Zelinski and Retirement Quotes Relating to Other People's Retirement Plans
  • How Much Do I Need to Retire
    How Much Money Do I Need to Retire? In other words, how much should I save for retirement or have I saved enough for retirement? Another question people ask themselves: "Is 2 million enough to retire?"
  • Include Your Spouse in Your Retirement Plan
    Include Your Spouse in Your Retirement Plan and NOT in My Retirement Plan: Couples in Retirement. Retirement can bring its own state of dejection, shortly after people leave the workforce or much later when adversity strikes.
  • Reincarnation or Retirement
    Retirement or Reincarnation: by Mark Rieke: Before I was retired I liked the word "retire." However now that I am retired, I have come to dislike the term. Unfortunately, the word "retirement" sounds like you are tired again or are close to death.
  • Signs You Are Enjoying Retirement
    Irrefutable Signs That You Are Enjoying Your Retirement: Ah, retirement - there is no life like it! Retirement should mean adventure, satisfaction, and happiness all on your own terms!
  • Be Happy While You Are Alive Because You Are a Long Time Dead
    Retirement Advice - Be Happy While You Are Alive Because You Are a Long Time Dead
  • How Not to Retire Rich
    How NOT to Retire Rich — It's Easy! 35 Sure-Fire Ways to Ensure That You Live Broke, Retire Broke, and Die Broke!
  • How Not to Retire Happy
    How Not to Retire Happy - Easier Than Shooting Fish in a Barrel! Retirement Activities to Help Retirees Retire Happy, Wild, and Free: If you really believe that happiness can be bought, then why don’t you try selling some of yours?
  • Retire Rich But Die Broke
    Retire Rich But Die Broke: How much money should you have when you die? As little as possilbe. In fact, your retirement plan should be such that the last check that you write is to the undertaker and it bounces.

 Retired Early Top-10 Reasons

Top-Ten Reasons to Retire Even If

You Don't Take Early Retirement

#1 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

You no longer have to fear being sent to an anger management class because of your recent outbursts against your boss and co-workers. You may feel that when one is being abused by someone of authority or otherwise, anger is a healthy and appropriate response. It is when you are retired.

#2 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon on a work day, the sun is shining,
and you're itching to spend the rest of the afternoon outdoors — so this is exactly what you do, unlike corporate workers who have to spend their time imprisoned in a cubicle, working at a lousy job.

#3 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

Retirement is about adventure. For instance, you can become a
barefoot hiker in rural North America or in the mountains of South America, experiencing what many natives experience who never wear shoes. There's nothing like walking barefoot on the grass or in sand in the early morning and continuing on through the whole day.

#4 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

No more having to face Draconian corporate policies such as the company instituting layoffs due to the economy and trying to save the most money by downsizing the highest paid and unhealthiest workers first.

#5 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

You will discover by speaking to other individuals that retirement is not necessarily for everyone and that your intense joy in the experience is not shared by every retiree. This makes retirement even more special.

#6 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

Chris Morley declared, "There is only one success — to be able
to spend your life in your own way." The only medium for achieving success, therefore, is through retirement."

#7 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

If you are female, you get to wear a T-shirt with the following written on it: "RETIRED: Who says a woman's work is never done?"

#8 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

Life seems to go by so quickly. We are so busy watching out for what's ahead of us that we don't have time to enjoy where we are. Life becomes a blur. Often it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. That or retirement.

#9 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

Work can be fun and rewarding, without doubt, but so can being retired, goofing off, and enjoying life. That's why my retirement plan all along was to retire early.

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#10 of Top-Ten Reasons to Retire

You get to tell your friends, "If I had known retirement would be this great, I would have killed to have gotten here sooner." Incidentally, these were the words uttered by retiree Kirk Symmes after he was forced to retire from his sales job at 65 and took on a part-time fun retirement job as a college instructor.


Trivia: "Retirement" is often spelled wrong as retirment. In fact, the search word retirment appears in 4,588 searches per month versus 381,480 for the correct spelling.

 Retirement Plan Book Image

   The World's Best Retirement Book 

by Ernie Zelinski

You will learn the most powerful tips, techniques, and secrets that can transform a boring retirement into an exciting one, including:

  • How to enjoy retirement regardless of your financial situation
  • How to unleash the transformative power of your creative mind to enjoy leisure time like never before
  • How to realize a deep new love for life
  • How to free yourself from the burdens of the fear of retirement
  • How to put yourself firmly in command of your own retirement destiny

Purchase the New Edition of How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free Today Through These Direct Links: Logo Purchase the ebook Edition on Amazon Logo Purchase the print edition Amazon


COPYRIGHT © 2022 by Ernie J. Zelinski 
All Rights Reserved               



OVER 425,000      COPIES SOLD 

A gold watch is the most appropriate gift for retirement, as its recipients have given up so many of their golden hours in a lifetime of service.
— Harry Mahtar

The requirements for successful retirements
are, of course, simple to map out: Begin saving earlier in life, set aside larger
percentages of your pay, invest wisely in low-cost funds, avoid debt, pay off
your mortgage, defer Social Security to boost payouts, and work past traditional
retirement age to make sure you don't run out of money. Stay healthy, too, so your medical expenses don't eat you alive.
We might as well complete this fairy tale by advising you to make sure you find a job with a traditional pension, and
to only work for employers with AAA credit
ratings and great health insurance.
— from US NEWS

Sometimes it's important to work for that
pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply
consists of choosing which color to slide
down on the rainbow.
— Douglas Pagels  

OVER 425,000      COPIES SOLD  

How to Retire Happy on


How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free on


Everyone needs a reason to put their shoes on in the morning [when they retire]. If you put on the slippers, you'll end up
dragging your feet all day.
— Norma Fagan


 The World's Second Best Retirement Book at

OVER 315,000      COPIES SOLD


 The Joy of Not Working on 

Whatever the challenge of a new age, in the end what really counts is not the years in our lives but the life in our years. It is not about longevity, but the depth of life. Long ago I learned that age does not wither the mind if people remain positive. No one is too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. It is a mind game. As Churchill suggested, "The empires of the future are the empires of the mind."
— Singapore Retiree Jennie Chau



The Joy of Being Retired Image


Purchase The Joy of Being Retired directly through these links:

The Joy of Being Retired on


The Joy of Being Retired on